Apply : 2018/2019 NNPC/ Total National Merit Scholarship Scheme

This is to inform the general public that the NNPC/Total National Merit Scholarship Scheme is on going to enable students in university participate. More over the students that are to partake in the on going NNPC/Total Merit Scholarship Scheme are 100 level and 200 level in order to enable them study abroad and get income for themselves.

In simple terms, this award is opened to first year and second year fulltime students irrespective of course of study. It is aim at accessing biliant Nigerian students in order to finance their education. More so, NNPC/Total Merit anuual scholarship grant is given to successful candidates for their year of award.

How to Apply for NNPC/Total National Merit Scholarship Scheme 

NNPC/Total National Merit Scholarship Scheme

Before we dive into the process of NNPC Scholarship Scheme  we need to know those who are qualified and those who are not eligible for registration. 


To qualify an applicant must;
1. Be a registered FULL TIME undergraduate student in a recognized Nigerian University.
2. Be a certified 100/200 student at the time of this application.

Cartigory of people that Should not Apply 

Below are some persons that are not eligible to register for NNPC/Total Scholarship Scheme; 

1. Student with 200 in UTME 
2. 200 level students with less than 2.5 in their CCGP
3. 300 level students and above 
4. Students who are current beneficiaries of similar award from the industry 

How to Apply for NNPC/Total Merit Scholarship Scheme

There are the right procedures to take in order to Apply online. It is only focuses on registeration of eligible candidate who are qualified for the Scholarship Scheme. 

1. First of all, eligible candidate are meant to visit the NNPC/Total Official Website and apply online.

2. Afterwards, enter all your details and information to enable you apply online.

Registration and Deadline 

The NNPC/Total Merit Scholarship Scheme is presently ongoing which started on October 9 and the deadline for closing of online registration closes on October 31 2018.

Date of Screening Text Exercise

After you must have registered for NNPC Scholarship Scheme Online Registration the selection of test will be held on Saturday, December 2018 at designated centres nation wide.

Note: You will be contacted if you are selected for the Scholarship Scheme. Ensure all candidate shall bear the full cost of transportation.

All students who are eligible or parents and guidian who have students can let their children partake in NNPC/Total Merit Scholarship Scheme. Students can also share this post to their friends.

Also, you can do well to ask your questions by making use of the comments box below. For direct answers to your email, type your email and we will do well to reply to your questions.

Apply : 2018/2019 NNPC/ Total National Merit Scholarship Scheme Apply : 2018/2019 NNPC/ Total National Merit Scholarship Scheme Reviewed by Victor K.Okorie on 10/20/2018 11:29:00 AM Rating: 5
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